Summer grain storage tips – keeping your malts fresh and pest-free

As temperatures and humidity rise in many regions, proper grain storage becomes crucial for homebrewers and small-scale brewers. Here are some effective strategies to maintain your grains in optimal condition and prevent pest infestations.

1. Receiving your grains

Ensure a dry, covered area for grain delivery. Inspect bags for damage upon arrival. If issues arise, document them with photos and notify your supplier promptly.

2. Control humidity

Store grains in an area with relative humidity below 50%. This discourages pests and extends shelf life. Use dehumidifiers or air conditioning to maintain optimal conditions, as insects and molds thrive above 70% humidity.

3. Monitor temperature

Keep ambient temperature below 25°C (77°F). Most storage pests reproduce rapidly between 25-30°C (77-86°F).

4. Rotate stock

Maintain a 3-6 month inventory and practice first-in-first-out rotation to reduce infestation risks.

5. Dedicate a grain room

Use a separate, sealed room for grain storage. Install fine mesh screens on windows, seal cracks, and use rodent-proof doors. Paint walls with easily cleanable paint and implement a weekly cleaning schedule.

6. Maintain hygiene

Keep floors and walls free of dust and grain debris, which can harbour insects.

7. Use pheromone traps

Deploy pheromone traps to detect early insect activity. Check and clean traps weekly.

8. Install UV light traps

These traps attract and capture flying insects using specific UV wavelengths.

9. Set rodent traps

Choose appropriate traps (traditional, or live-catch) to control mice and rats. Follow local regulations.

10. Apply K-Obiol

Consider using K-Obiol, a grain protectant insecticide. When applied to warehouse floors and walls, it creates a protective barrier against common storage pests. Follow local regulations and safety guidelines when using chemical treatments.

11. Seek expert advice

Consult pest control professionals for comprehensive prevention plans. They can provide regular inspections and rapid response to infestations if needed.

By implementing these measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of pest problems and maintain the quality of your grains throughout the summer months. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, when it comes to grain storage!

If you have any questions or unique insights about grain storage, feel free to share them with your local homebrew community or supplier. Happy brewing!

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