The use of ingredients to enhance the taste of beer is as old as its history. In general it is believed that the first beer was made or “discovered” by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia some 6000 years ago.
It was also the time nomads started to create agricultural communities, producing e.g. bread from the growing and breeding of grasses. Probably some wet or soaked bread started to ferment spontaneously. Tasting the drink, the people probably found it very promising.
But it was already clear then that the primitive (low fermented) beverage tasted very weak. Local tasty ingredients – like honey, dates and some herbs – were used to spice the beer. And ever since, people have always been trying to improve flavour and to create a more interesting shelf life.
In Medieval times in North-West Europe the use of a mixture of herbs (gruit or gruut) was used. Brewing was not longer just a domestic occupation. Monasteries and the first commercial brewers were rising. They had to pay taxes for the use of gruut. It was in fact the first beer tax in history. The right to tax was sold by the government to Churches and rich families. The blend of the different herbs was kept secret and often dried and mixed with malt.
Each area had its own recipe, but the main ingredients were bog myrtle or sweet gale (gagel), marsch or wild rosemary and yarrow. The first two were growing in different locations, so it was the one or the other. Next to those herbs, more than 100 other herbs were used. There were even herbs that could be very dangerous when used in abundance.
Although hop was already grown around the 9th century in South Germany, they only became popular in the 13th century. Hops gave the beer a much better shelf life and with increasing trade amongst the Hansa cities (a confederation of merchant guilds and market towns in Central and Northern Europe) this beer was preferred. To keep the competition fair, hops were also soon taxed. Around that time brewing became an important craft. And if money is to be made, you can count on people trying to cut corners. Often tax was bypassed by using less, other or cheap ingredients. This led to laws where certain ingredients were either obliged or outlawed.
In 1516 the two Bavarian monarchs proclaimed the famous Reinheitgebot, wherein was fixed that beer could only be made with water, barley(malt) and hops. This law insured two purposes: a certain quality level of the beer and also a more easy way to tax the beer. This law was probably the first food safety law in Europe. The law also prohibited the import of other beers to Germany and held up into the 20th century. A lot of German breweries still proudly state that their beer is made within the Reinheitgebot. This shows pride in their work, but also works perfect for marketing purposes.
Nowadays the big breweries get strong competition from the craft scene. A new attitude comes along with the new interest in artisanally brewed beer. A lot of attention is paid to ingredients, and some of them even go back to brewing with gruut.