Meet our new Head Malting

Meet Wouter De Sutter, our new Head Malting. He studied Industrial Biochemistry Engineering and – because his hunger for knowledge wasn’t satisfied – a postgraduate Innovative Entrepreneurship For Engineers, with a focus on innovating. During this course, he worked at the brewery and malthouse of the prestigious KU Leuven Ghent.

But let’s give the floor to Wouter himself.

“At KU Leuven Ghent I acquired a hands-on approach to brewing, malting and problem solving. I stayed for 4 additional years to carry out and supervise multiple industrial, research and development, and government projects. Here it became clear that every link in the production chain is essential for a tasty beer.”

“That is why I am looking forward to being responsible for quality monitoring, production planning, raw material intake, etc. as Head Malting. I’m ready for the challenges that will come my way. With the slogan of the Swaen being Making malt a craft, I am confident that I will feel like a fish in water here.”

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