Barley – Dutch Pale Ale

The Netherlands is a country defined by its greatest partner and most fearful enemy: the sea. Historically, it made us an important trading country, with an impressive fleet, but at the same time the sea always threatened to take our land.

Dutch Pale Ale

As a result, the Dutch have always been looking for possibilities to win land from the sea and protect people and agriculture. The province of Zeeland – where The Swaen was born in 1906 – was victim of many floodings.

The salt water settled in the soil, prohibiting many crops to thrive. Barley is the only grain that can grow with a sufficient agronomic yield. So it is no surprise that the typically Dutch polders (an area reclaimed from the sea) and islands in the delta of the Scheldt were mainly barley producers.

Many new and better adapted barley varieties have been introduced through the polders of the Netherlands. Dutch Pale Ale is a tribute to the many people who contributed to the success of Dutch barley and beer.

Dutch Pale Ale

This malt is made from 100% Dutch barley. It is produced through the Growing The Swaen project, allowing us to trace and guarantee quality at every stage of production.

Dutch Pale Ale

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