Interview with CEO Wiebke de Groen

With over a hundred years of craftsmanship and a strong reputation in the malting industry, The Swaen has always strived for innovation and perfection. On April 1st, 2024, Wiebke de Groen took over as the new CEO of this iconic family business, with the mission to lead the next phase of growth and development. Wiebke is no stranger to the world of malt and beer; with a decade of experience as a distributor for The Swaen in China and a deep affinity with the beer world, she brings both expertise and a fresh perspective to Kloosterzande. In this interview, we dive deeper into her background, her plans for the future, and her insights into how The Swaen continues to support and inspire the Dutch craft beer market.

Wiebke de Groen

Why did you decide to take this job?

“After working as a distributor for The Swaen in China for ten years and the strong bond I have built with the company and the team, it felt like a natural next step to lead our family business into a new chapter. It was not only the history and values ​​of The Swaen that attracted me, but also the enormous potential to grow and innovate even further.

Furthermore, I have a deep passion for the beer and malting world, and the opportunity to play an active role in the future of such an iconic company was simply too good to miss.”

How would you describe your job as CEO?

“As CEO, I am both a leader and a bridge builder. My role is to provide direction and make strategic decisions that secure the future of The Swaen. At the same time, it is my job to inspire and support the team, and ensure that everyone feels involved in the goals of the company. I see myself as the connecting link between our rich past and the future we want to create together, where innovation and tradition go hand in hand.”

What’s the best part of the job?

“The best part of my job is the opportunity to directly contribute to the development of both our products and our people. I love coming up with creative solutions and exploring new markets, but what really gives me satisfaction is working with a dedicated and passionate team. Together we not only create products of the highest quality, but we also build on The Swaen’s legacy. It’s inspiring to see how our work impacts the beer industry globally, but also close to home in the Netherlands.”

What three words describe you best?

“As a reliable, solution-oriented, and empathetic leader, I focus on achieving results and building strong relationships. My team and stakeholders can always count on me to keep my promises and deliver high-quality work. I excel at solving complex problems quickly and finding effective solutions that support our business goals. My ability to understand customer needs helps me anticipate challenges and create tailored solutions that exceed expectations, driving growth and strengthening our position in the market.”

What is your vision for the future of The Swaen?

“Our vision for the future of The Swaen is to establish ourselves as the foremost provider of premium, sustainably-produced malt. We aim to be recognized not only for the quality of our products but also for our unwavering commitment to supporting craft brewers, specialty malt users, and distillers. By fostering strong, trust-based relationships with our partners and positively impacting the local community, we strive to be a cornerstone of the industry.

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Furthermore, we are dedicated to setting the benchmark for environmentally responsible and energy-efficient operations, contributing to a greener, more sustainable future for the entire value chain.”

How does The Swaen support the growth of the craft beer sector in the Netherlands?

“At The Swaen we believe in the power of collaboration, especially within the growing craft beer sector in the Netherlands. We work closely with Dutch craft brewers to provide them with malts that are specifically tailored to their needs and vision. One of the initiatives I am particularly proud of is our collaboration with local farmers, where we help grow barley that is then malted at our premises. This results in a unique product: Dutch beer, made from Dutch barley, malted by a Dutch malt house. It is a great way to promote local craftsmanship and quality.”

What trends do you see in the Dutch craft beer market and how does The Swaen respond to these?

“We see a clear trend towards more unique and bold flavours, as well as a growing demand for local and sustainable ingredients. Brewers want to differentiate themselves in an increasingly crowded market, and at The Swaen we are responding to this by developing innovative malts. Our Platinum Swaen line, for example, gives brewers the opportunity to create truly unique flavour profiles that set their beers apart.

We are also strongly committed to sustainability, which is important not only to us, but also to our customers and their consumers. We want every malt that leaves our facility to contribute to a better world.”


How do you try to distinguish The Swaen from other malt houses?

“We differentiate ourselves through our unparalleled focus on quality, customization and sustainability. At The Swaen, we offer a wide range of unique malts, ranging from traditional to innovative varieties, which we develop in close consultation with our customers.

What makes us truly unique is our ability to produce small batches of specialty malts using our state-of-the-art Probat drum roaster, allowing us to deliver malts with exceptional precision and consistency. In addition, we take sustainability very seriously; from our energy-efficient roasting methods to our partnerships with local farmers, we are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint.”

What knowledge from your previous job can you use at The Swaen?

“My experience in the Chinese market has given me valuable insights into how to successfully introduce and grow a brand in a new culture. Building strong customer relationships and understanding local market dynamics have been key in China, and I now apply that knowledge to position The Swaen even better, both in the Netherlands and internationally. In addition, working in a rapidly changing market has taught me to be flexible and proactive, which is essential in the increasingly competitive world of craft brewing.”

What makes The Swaen malts unique for craft brewers?

“What makes The Swaen malts truly unique for craft brewers is the combination of our traditional expertise with the most modern technologies. We select the best barley and have complete control over the production process, from sourcing to roasting. This allows us to deliver consistent quality, which is essential for brewers who strive for a consistent end product. In addition, our ability to produce small batches offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing us to meet the specific needs of each brewer. This combination of quality, customization and innovation makes us an indispensable partner for every craft brewer.”

How does The Swaen contribute to sustainability in beer production?

“Sustainability is a core value of The Swaen, and we are continuously working to reduce our environmental footprint. We work with local farmers to grow sustainable barley, which is not only good for the environment but also for the local economy.


Our production methods focus on energy efficiency, using advanced technologies such as heat exchangers and energy-efficient burners. During our recent expansion in 2023, we took additional steps to make our processes even more environmentally friendly. This means that brewers who choose our malts can be confident that they are contributing to more sustainable beer production.”

What new products can craft brewers expect from The Swaen in the near future?

“We are continuously innovating and developing products to meet the needs of the market. We will soon be introducing new variants of our Platinum Swaen line at BrauBeviale in Nuremberg, giving brewers even more options to create unique and distinctive beers. These new malts are designed to add even more depth and complexity to the beer, which is especially interesting for craft brewers looking for something special. In addition, we are experimenting with new roasting methods and flavor profiles, so we can always offer our customers something new and exciting.”

What is your advice to beginning brewers who want to work with The Swaen?

“My advice to brewers is to communicate openly and clearly about their vision and taste goals. Many brewers focus on the colour of the malt, but taste should really come first. At The Swaen, we have the knowledge and experience to help them develop the perfect malt profile that matches their beer style and brand image. Make use of our expertise and don’t hesitate to consult our maltsters for tailored advice. By working together, we can ensure that your beers are not only of high quality, but also truly unique and distinctive in the market.”

Wiebke de Groen

What do you like to do in your spare time?

“As a mother of two young children, I like to spend my free time doing fun activities with the family. We love being outdoors, so you can often find us cycling, walking in the woods or enjoying a day out at the zoo.

I also enjoy discovering new places, both close to home and further away. Of course, we recently moved from China to the Netherlands, so there is still a lot to discover in beautiful Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (Zeelandic Flanders).”

What do people really need to know about you?

“What people really need to know about me is that I have a huge passion for sustainability. This is something I try to implement in both my personal life and in my work at The Swaen. I strongly believe in the responsibility. We have to leave the planet in a better place for future generations, and I try to apply this principle in everything I do. In addition, I am someone who loves challenges and never backs down from a difficult project; I see them as opportunities to grow and learn.”

What is your favorite beer or beer style?

“My favorite beer style is without a doubt a good Amber Ale. I love the rich, malty flavors that this style offers, combined with a refreshing hoppiness that is perfectly balanced. Although Amber Ale seems to be less popular these days, I am always on the lookout for a well-brewed example. It is a beer style that I think deserves much more appreciation, and I hope we see more of these types of beers in the future.”