We are proud to announce the appointment of Wiebke de Groen as our new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). With over a decade of entrepreneurial experience as a distributor of The Swaen in China, Wiebke brings invaluable insights and a deep understanding of the industry to her new role. Her passion for the craft beer market, coupled with her proven track record of success, makes her the ideal candidate to lead us into the next chapter of growth and innovation. Coming from the esteemed de Groen family, with a long history in the brewing and malting business, Wiebke inherits a legacy of excellence and a commitment to quality that she will undoubtedly uphold in her new position.

Wiebke’s appointment comes at an exciting time for The Swaen, as we have recently increased our capacity to meet growing demand in the market. This expansion positions us for even greater success under Wiebke’s leadership. Her primary goal is to focus on the growth of the domestic market while maintaining strong relationships with current distributors and customers, ensuring continued satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, she will actively seek opportunities to expand with new distributors and partnerships, further enhancing our presence in the industry.

Malt. That simple word elicits so much meaning in the brewing world. Malted grains form the backbone of beer, providing the sugars that yeast will ferment into alcohol and CO2. Yet few appreciate the fascinating history and gradual evolution of malting over thousands of years. This article will take you on a journey through time, chronicling how malting evolved from its earliest beginnings to the sophisticated industry we know today.

The Origins of Malt

Humans first started settling down and growing cereal crops like barley and wheat around 10,000 BC during the Neolithic Revolution, the birth of agriculture. However, evidence suggests our ancestors may have begun malting grains even earlier. Archaeological findings from the Natufian culture in the Levant region (the current Middle East) date back over 13,000 years and show the first signs of intentional sprouting and heating of grain.

Why go through this extra effort? Sprouting grains trigger enzyme activity that starts breaking down starch into fermentable sugars. Heating stops this process, drying the grain and preserving the sugars. Together, malting helped unlock the nutritional potential of cereal crops for our ancestors. The resulting sweet malt could be eaten directly or used to brew primitive beers and wines.

Early Malting Methods

The malting process used by our ancestors was rudimentary but effective. Grain kernels were moistened in woven baskets to start germination, then spread on flat surfaces like rock slabs or woven mats. Workers would turn and aerate the grain bed periodically to control temperature and prevent mould growth. Once sprouted sufficiently, the malt was sun-dried or heated over fires to halt the germination.

This traditional malting process remained largely unchanged for thousands of years. However, the process was very labour-intensive. Malting relied on manual turning of the grain and was restricted by available space. Production was limited and malt was an expensive commodity. Most malts that were dried by direct heating were either partially scorched or had a smoky flavour due to this drying process.

1950 TurnersThe Industrial Revolution Transforms Malting

In 1818, Daniel Wheeler patented the method of indirect kilning, where hot air flowed around the grain to dry it evenly. This produced a lighter-coloured malt without a smoky flavour, preferred by the booming English brewing industry. It launched the divergence between traditional floor-malted ale malts and higher-volume industrial lager malts.

Around the same time, the development of large breweries led to the industrialisation of malting and an increase in the size of production units. Pneumatic malting was developed and reached commercial success in the late 1800s. Two Belgian malting engineers; Galland and Saladin are considered to be the fathers of the modern malting equipment. Galland introduced the first aerated rectangular boxes in 1873 and Saladin introduced turning machines in 1880s. Saladin boxes are still used today, with the main difference being the transfer to stainless steel construction, and since the 1980’s the acceptance of circular vessels.

From ancient times through the early 20th century, most breweries operated their own on-site malthouse to supply their needs rather than purchasing malt from commercial maltsters. The brewer would malt just enough grain for each batch of beer, with the malting process integrated right into the brewery work flow. This on-site malting provided freshly malted grains but was limited in scale. During the 20th century, third-party commercial malthouses began building bigger and more automated malthouses in order to reduce costs through economies of scale.

Green SwaenThe Craft Malt Resurgence

While efficient, large-scale malting factories focus mostly on producing commodity base malt for major breweries. In recent decades, the craft beer revolution has stoked renewed interest in small-scale artisanal malting. The Swaen is one of these craft maltsters, that produce base malts focused on flavour, and specialty malts like caramel and roasted malts using drum roasters. It completes the farm-to-pint philosophy of fresh and local craft beer.

In 2014, the Brewers Association (BA) published a white paper called Malting Barley Characteristics for Craft Brewers, which outlines ideal barley malt attributes from the perspective of all-malt brewers. Broadly speaking, the document makes two main requests. First, all-malt brewers need a lower total enzyme package in their malt; this is expressed in calling for lower total protein, DP (diastatic power), S/T (ratio of soluble protein to total protein), and especially lower free-amino nitrogen (FAN). FAN is critically important for yeast growth and health, but as the saying goes, too much of anything is a bad thing. Adjunct brewers need high FAN malts to deliver nutrients that adjuncts don’t, whereas all-malt brewers don’t have that need. Research shows that too much FAN in finished beer adversely affects flavour and biological stability in the package over time.

Malting Barley Characteristics for Craft Brewers also makes call for more “flavour.” This is important because it signals that flavour matters, and that craft brewers need and expect flavour to be part of the larger conversation about malting barley. Echoing ancient times, malting becomes a true craft again in the hands of The Swaen.

The Future of Malting

Modern barley breeding continues to focus on agronomic properties like disease resistance, yield improvement and extract potential. However, the resurgent interest in craft malting points towards dual paths forward. As engineering and science push large-scale malting towards ever greater productivity and consistency, the timeless appeal of small-batch artisan malt will continue influencing specialty brewing. The futures of industrial efficiency and craft quality both have roots in the rich history of malting.

There we have it – a journey through time charting the evolution of malting from its ancient origins to the present day. The malting process retains its essential foundations through the ages even as technology and scale have transformed the commercial industry. So whether you favour perfectly engineered base malts or small-batch specialty malts, raise a glass with The Swaen to the rich past and bright future of malting!

In the realm of sustainable agriculture, both regenerative and organic farming practices stand as beacons of environmentally conscious food production. While they share common goals of minimising harm to ecosystems and promoting healthier food, these approaches diverge in their methodologies and overarching philosophies. Let’s delve into the differences between regenerative farms and organic farms.

Core objectives

Regenerative Farms: The primary goal is to revitalise and enhance the natural ecosystems of the land. Regenerative practices aim not only to sustain current conditions but to actively regenerate soil health, biodiversity, and overall ecosystem resilience.

Organic Farms: Organic farming primarily focuses on avoiding synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to promote soil and water quality, as well as human health. The emphasis is on preventing harm rather than actively restoring ecological balance.

Soil health

Regenerative Farms: These farms prioritise soil health by employing practices such as cover cropping, crop rotation, and reduced tillage. These methods help build soil organic matter, retain moisture, and promote beneficial microbial activity, ultimately enhancing soil structure and fertility.

Organic Farms: While organic farms also prioritise soil health, regenerative practices often go beyond organic standards. Organic farms may use tillage methods that can disrupt soil structure, whereas regenerative farms aim to minimise such disruptions.


Regenerative Farms: These farms work to enhance biodiversity by creating habitats for various species, planting diverse crops, and integrating livestock. Biodiversity supports natural pest management, nutrient cycling, and overall ecosystem resilience.

Organic Farms: Organic farms also promote biodiversity by avoiding synthetic chemicals that can harm non-target species. However, regenerative farms actively seek to create holistic ecosystems that mimic natural patterns.

Carbon sequestration

Regenerative Farms: Carbon sequestration is a key focus of regenerative practices. Techniques like agroforestry, no-till farming, and cover cropping enhance the soil’s ability to capture and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, mitigating climate change.

Organic Farms: While organic farming contributes to reduced carbon emissions by avoiding synthetic inputs, regenerative farms take a more proactive role in sequestering carbon.

Expected yields per hectare

Regenerative Farms: With a focus on enhancing soil health and biodiversity, regenerative agriculture often surpasses conventional methods in terms of yields. Expectations for regenerative farms frequently exceed 100% of traditional agriculture yields due to improved soil fertility, resilience to extreme weather, and enhanced pest management strategies.

Organic Farms: Organic farming, while promoting soil health and biodiversity, typically yields around 50% of what conventional agriculture produces per hectare. This lower yield can be attributed to factors such as nutrient limitations, pest pressures, and weed competition, which are often more challenging to manage without synthetic inputs.

Holistic approach

Regenerative Farms: Regenerative farming embraces a holistic approach that considers the entire ecosystem, including soil, water, plants, animals, and even human well-being. It’s a systems-thinking approach that aims for harmony among all elements.

Organic Farms: Organic farming primarily addresses the avoidance of synthetic inputs and follows a set of defined standards. It may not always encompass the comprehensive ecosystem-oriented approach of regenerative farming.

Upfront investments

Regenerative Farms: While regenerative farming practices may require significant upfront investments in infrastructure and equipment, the long-term benefits often outweigh the initial costs. Additionally, some governments and organizations offer financial incentives and support programs for farmers transitioning to regenerative practices, which can help offset initial investment expenses.

Organic Farms: Transitioning to organic farming also involves upfront investments, including certification fees, transitioning land to organic standards, and purchasing organic inputs such as fertilisers and pest control methods. However, the growing market demand for organic products and premium prices often associated with organic certification can provide economic incentives for farmers to make the initial investments.


Regenerative Farms: One of the key advantages of regenerative farming is its scalability potential. Regenerative practices emphasise working with natural processes and maximising ecosystem services, making it suitable for a wide range of agricultural landscapes.

Organic Farms: While organic farming also has scalability potential, the transition to organic certification and the ongoing adherence to organic standards may pose challenges for large-scale agricultural operations. Additionally, ensuring the scalability of organic farming may require addressing issues such as input availability, market access, and policy support.

In conclusion, the comparison between regenerative and organic farming reveals nuanced differences in their approaches, from core objectives to expected yields and scalability. While both methods contribute to sustainable agriculture, regenerative farming emerges as a holistic and proactive approach, aiming not only to sustain but also to regenerate ecosystems. Organic farming, on the other hand, focuses primarily on avoiding harm from synthetic inputs. As we look to the future of agriculture and its impact on industries like brewing, it’s essential to consider which practice holds the key to long-term sustainability and resilience. So, brewers, we pose the question to you: Which farming practice do you believe has the most promising future for producing high-quality ingredients and supporting a thriving ecosystem? Your insights can shape the trajectory of sustainable farming and contribute to a greener, more resilient future for our planet and its inhabitants.

Caramel malt imparts a distinctive sweetness and aroma to beers, but not all caramel malts deliver the same taste. The choice of roasting equipment can significantly influence the flavour profile when producing this specialised malt. Let’s delve into how various roasting methods affect the delightful caramel character sought after in brewing.

Caramel or Crystal? Two Names, One Malt

The terms caramel and crystal malt are used interchangeably, referring to the same specialty malt product. While caramel malt is the preferred term in continental Europe and by many international maltsters, crystal malt is favoured in the UK and US. Regardless of nomenclature, both terms denote a sweet, aromatic malt ideal for imparting colour, body, and flavour to ales and lagers. The distinction in terminology simply reflects regional preferences for this versatile brewing ingredient.

Sugar, Heat, and Moisture

The production of exceptional caramel malt hinges on three essential elements: sugar, heat, and moisture. The process commences with barley, undergoing steeping and germination to produce green malt. This green malt, still damp, undergoes saccharification at temperatures ranging from 60-80°C, converting starches into sugars. Upon complete starch conversion, the temperature is swiftly elevated to 110-165°C for caramelization. Notably, caramelization does not occur below 110°C, although darkening transpires due to the Maillard Reaction, initiating at 60°C.

Caramelization entails the oxidation of sugar, yielding a spectrum of chemical compounds that impart a sweet, nutty, or toffee-like flavour, accompanied by hues ranging from golden-brown to dark-brown. The brown colours arise from three classes of polymers: caramelans, caramelens, and caramelins.

Maillard reactions occur when amino acids and sugars react, commencing at lower temperatures around 60°C. These reactions yield malty, bready notes and initiate colour development, starting with a light tan.

The interplay between moisture, heat, and sugar development is pivotal—without any of these elements, genuine caramel malt cannot be produced. Maltsters meticulously regulate the roasting process to catalyse the requisite reactions for achieving rich colour and flavour. The outcome is the sweet, aromatic caramel malt cherished by brewers. Below, we will explore different roasting techniques and equipment options, along with their respective advantages and drawbacks.


Sealed Drum Roasters – The Pinnacle of Quality

Drum roasters reign supreme in caramel malt production. These sealed, rotating drums delicately tumble the malt for uniform heating while preserving optimal moisture levels. The outcome? Unparalleled sweetness and velvety caramel nuances.

Why are sealed drum roasters indispensable? Because the initial step in caramel malt production involves converting starch to sugar. The starch in green malt must undergo saccharification at mash temperatures between 60-80°C. This process, akin to a miniature mash occurring within each kernel, necessitates adequate moisture—a requirement fulfilled by sealed drum roasters, crucial for temperature and moisture control.

Leading craft malt houses rely on premium drum roasters to ensure their caramel malts achieve near-complete saccharification and caramelization, resulting in rich flavour and colour. Although potentially costlier, the investment in drum roasting yields caramel malt of the highest calibre.

Open Roasters – Suboptimal for Caramel Malts

While some maltsters employ open roasters, akin to those used for coffee, for dry-roasted black malts, they are unsuitable for caramel malt production. Coffee roasters lack the necessary moisture control vital for starch conversion and caramelization. Attempting to stew green malt at lower temperatures can also pose issues, as particles from the roaster insulation may contaminate the malt. For reasons of food safety, coffee roasters optimised for dry roasting should be avoided for wet caramel malt production. Although offering a more economical option, closed drum roasters or other equipment designed to maintain moisture during roasting are better suited for producing quality caramel malts.

Continuous Coil Roasters – Efficient yet Limiting

Continuous coil roasters expedite the roasting of large quantities of malt, ensuring uniformity. While ideal for roasting seeds and nuts, they fall short in delivering caramel malt of exceptional quality. The brief exposure to optimal saccharification and caramelization temperatures, coupled with fluctuating moisture levels, yields a simpler, less nuanced product lacking the complexity attained through drum roasting.


Kilns – Traditional yet Challenging for Caramel

Kilns have been utilised in malting for centuries to dry and cure base malts. However, while indispensable for base malt production (and perhaps Munich or melanoidin malts), traditional kilns present challenges in crafting caramel malts.

Moisture control is deficient in kilns, resulting in uneven drying, with the bottom layer of malt drier than the top. This disparity impedes uniform saccharification throughout the batch.

Moreover, temperature control poses another obstacle. Kilns rely on indirect heating and struggle to reach caramelization temperatures exceeding 110°C. Most kilns achieve temperatures of only 80-90°C—insufficient for caramelization.

Some maltsters, lacking dedicated roasting equipment, resort to kilns to produce lightly stewed “caramel” malts. However, achieving true caramel malt, characterised by rich colour and sweetness, demands precise control over moisture and temperature—a feat attainable only through drum roasters designed specifically for specialty malts. Consequently, kilns remain the domain of base malt production.

Fluidized Bed Roasters – Swift, but Dry Roasting

Fluidized bed roasters expedite malt roasting via hot air jets. While they excel in producing superb roasted malts, they are ill-suited for caramel malt production. These roasters rapidly deplete moisture from malt, precluding the formation of sweet caramel flavours. Fluidized beds excel in producing deeply roasted malts instead.

Selecting High-Quality Caramel Malt

When procuring caramel malt, do not hesitate to inquire about the producer’s processes. Reputable maltsters willingly divulge details concerning equipment, roasting duration, moisture control, and saccharification steps. This information aids in discerning whether optimal techniques for caramelization were employed.

15 EBC 35 EBC 70 EBC
15 EBC 35 EBC 70 EBC
Glossy caramel hues signify thorough saccharification and caramelization.
Bad Malt No Caramelisation Bad Malt No Caramel Sweetness Bad Malt Burn Marks
No caramelisation. No caramel sweetness. Typical burn marks from uneven heating.
Pale, lacklustre colours indicate inadequate processing.


Inspect the malt kernels for signs of quality—look for a uniform, glossy caramel hue devoid of burnt patches. Upon breaking open a few kernels, absence of unconverted white starch signals complete saccharification. Quality caramel malt emits a sweet, toffee-like aroma, not reminiscent of burnt or stale odours. By scrutinising the malt’s appearance, aroma, and processing techniques, you can ensure the caramel malt was meticulously crafted to impart rich flavour and colour.

As the Netherlands are surrounded by some of the biggest beer cultures in the world, our own beer history was mainly based on Belgium (Dubbel, Tripel, Wit) and Germany (Pilsner, Bock, Weizen). There are some long-forgotten Dutch beer styles though. Most of them were driven out when German Lagers became popular, but since the Craft revolution a modest return can be seen.

Bredaas Wit

A typical Wheat or Witbier, with a local twist. Besides wheat and barley, Bredaas Wit also added oat and even buckwheat to the mix. Sometimes it was enriched with juniper. Because buckwheat isn’t a grain, brewers avoided some taxes and could thus produce a cheaper beer. The oat gives Bredaas Wit a fuller mouthfeel than its Belgian counterpart.

Between 1550 and 1750, it was one of the most popular beers in the Netherlands. So much so, that the harbour in Breda was originally built to ship this beer to Amsterdam and other densely populated areas.


Not entirely Dutch – because this was also brewed in Belgium and Germany – but the Netherlands were indispensable in the development of this style. In the middle-ages, before the effects of hop in brewing were known, people used a special herb mixture for bittering and flavouring beer. This mixture (and the eventual beer) is called Gruit, also known as Grut, Gruut or Gruyt.

The style goes back at least to the 11th century, because that is when the Roman Emperor Henry IV started taxing Gruit. Most mixtures use gale, heather, ground-ivy, horehound, mugwort and yarrow. Other ingredients could be – but are not limited to – juniper, ginger, caraway seed, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Today, even hop is allowed, although that seems a little redundant.


After the German introduction of hop in beer, the landscape completely changed. Gruit slowly disappeared and made place for this new invention. Of course, the Dutch brewers took their chance to create their own variant – or as the Germans would call it, a cheap imitation. Nonetheless Hoppenbier was the first Dutch beer with a good shelf life. Because Hoppenbier could be stored, breweries quickly grew bigger.

The beer was amber in colour and used 40 kilogram of malt per hectolitre beer. That’s about double the amount than common today. It was mainly made with oat (up to 80%) and some wheat.


Kluinbier was originally brewed in the northern Dutch city Groningen, where it was popular from the 15th to the 19th century. It was one of the first beers that used barley (62.5%) in addition to oat (37.5%). Barley was rare in the rest of the Netherlands, but in the northern provinces it was the most cultivated grain. This was a revolution in the Dutch beer culture.

The specifics of Kluinbier (or Cluyn, Kluyn, Kloen and Kluun) are also quite different than its southern counterparts. The boiling time was a whopping 24 hours! Historical documents describe it as a sweet, dark, and firm drink. It was supposedly also used as an ingredient for Warm Beer, a local drink with spices, eggs, and brandy, that was popular in the winter months.


Kuitbier – also known as Kuit, Koite of Kuyt – was very similar to Hoppenbier. The main difference is the use of grain. The ratio was 3 parts of oat, 2 parts of barley and 1 part of wheat. This blond beer was also cheaper to brew than Hoppenbier. Kuit quickly became the standard beer in the Netherlands. Cities like Delft, Gouda and Haarlem produced it on a large scale. Around 1500, these three cities produced more than 1 million hectolitre of beer per year!

The beer was exported through the entire northern Europe. It remained quite popular until the seventeenth century, when Lagers started to dominate the Dutch market. Kuitbier is the only Dutch beer style that the renowned Brewers Association has acknowledged.

Fun fact: both Hoppenbrouwer and Kuitenbrouwer (brouwer meaning brewer, of course) are still known as surnames in the Netherlands.

Oud Bruin

This is not to be confused with the much better-known Flanders Oud Bruin. Although similar in name, the flavour couldn’t be more different. Flanders Oud Bruin is a sour beer, while Dutch Oud Bruin is a malty sweet, dark Table Beer.

It was made by filtering the wort of another beer for a second time. The result was a low alcohol beer (around 3%) with a short shelf life and little taste. That is why the beer was sweetened extensively after brewing.


Princessebier originated in Amsterdam and was one of the most popular beers of the nineteenth century. The luxurious beer was even exported to the colonies of the East Indies. Approximately 100 years later, it disappeared.

This beer was cleared to match the specifications a customer would like. This made it one of the first filtered beers in the world. The definition of Princessebier is a lot less clear. It was brewed with barley, but an exact makeup has been hard to find. Some sources speak of a pale version, while others mention a brown colour.

In recent years, the brewing industry has witnessed a remarkable shift towards sustainability and natural ingredients. Among these trends, organic malt has emerged as an option of eco-conscious brewing, offering brewers a path to both environmental responsibility and exceptional flavour profiles.

At the heart of organic malt lies a commitment to purity and sustainability. Unlike conventionally grown grains, organic malt is cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilisers. Instead, it relies on organic farming practices that promote soil health, biodiversity, and ecological balance.

From Field to Glass

The journey of organic malt begins in the fields, where dedicated farmers cultivate barley using organic methods. These practices avoid genetically modified organisms and prioritise soil fertility through crop rotation and natural fertilisers. During malting, the barley is steeped in water, germinated, and then dried in a kiln. Throughout this process, stringent organic standards ensure that every step is conducted without synthetic additives or chemicals. If you want to brew an organic beer, organic malts are a must!

Unleashing the Flavour Potential

One of the most compelling aspects of organic malt is its ability to impart rich, complex flavours to beer. Organic grains possess a purity and depth of character that can elevate the brewing experience. Our Green Swaen range offers a diverse range of flavour profiles, from the basemalts like Pilsner and Ale, to the delicate roasted and caramelised malts made in our Probat drum roaster. These flavours add layers of complexity to a brew, allowing brewers to craft beers that are distinctive and memorable.

Beyond its flavour benefits, organic malt embodies a commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. By avoiding synthetic inputs and embracing biological farming practices, organic malt production supports soil health, reduces water pollution, and promotes biodiversity. Furthermore, opting for organic malt aligns with consumer preferences for ethically produced and environmentally friendly products. As more drinkers gravitate towards sustainably sourced beers, breweries that embrace organic ingredients stand poised to capture a growing market segment.

Embracing the Organic Revolution

For brewers seeking to make a positive impact on both the environment and the palate, organic malt offers a compelling solution. By harnessing the flavours of nature and supporting sustainable agriculture, breweries can create beers that reflect their values and resonate with conscientious consumers.

In the ever-evolving landscape of brewing, organic malt represents more than just a trend—it’s a testament to the power of innovation and sustainability in shaping the future of beer. As brewers continue to explore new horizons and push the boundaries of their craft, organic malt stands ready to lead the way towards a more sustainable and flavourful brewing revolution.