Brewery De Zwaan

It’s time for a real throwback. Our company started in 1906. Today we are known for our varied range of specialty malts. But back then, De Zwaan started as a brewery. The malting business was just a way to provide our own raw material.

In 1906 storm surge flooded the farmlands of Kloosterzande. Because barley is one of the few grains that can be grown in saline soil, Jos Buysrogge decided to use it to his advantage. He opened a brewery and called it De Zwaan. In those days, most breweries malted their own grain, so together with Alois Adriaansens he built the necessary infrastructure, including a mill.

Beer labels The Swaen

When the company was sold to Joos Menu in 1923 the brewery really took of. In their assortment, they had some typically Belgian styles, like Gerstebier (a top-fermented alternative to Pilsner) and Triple. Not too surprising, since we are located mere kilometers from the border. Not so obvious is that they also brewed a Deutsch Trappisten Bräu.

When World War II broke out, De Zwaan found itself in dire straits. The copper brewing kettles were removed by occupying forces, to be used for the weapons industry. After the war Joos saw that reopening the brewery was unfeasible.

Therefore, he decided to focus on the malthouse and provided malt to other breweries. Brewery De Zwaan ceased to exist and paved the way for Mouterij Menu.

Although it was a tough decision at the time, it was also the beginning of the company we are today.

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