Green Swaen© Wheat Classic

Green Swaen Wheat Classic

Brings sweet malt flavour and imparts special taste of wheat.


The organic Swaen Wheat Classic can be used for all distilling purposes and produces a sweet wheat malt flavour. It can be mashed with a single-temperature infusion and provides a fast conversion of starch.


Single malt whisky, Grain whisky, Gin, Jenever, Vodka, Eau de vie.

Raw material: Wheat 

Product: Kilned malt

Use: Up to 60%


EBC 3-4

EBC: 3 – 5

Lovibond: 1.7 – 2.3

Flavour palette

Blogs and recipes


How to store malt

Malt can be kept several years and will not lose its enzymatic power. The Swaen has a special process to guarantee a long shelf life.

Malt For Distilling

Production of distilling malt

As a malt producer it is important to understand the details of the distilling process in order to deliver the best quality.

Green Swaen

Organic malt

In recent years, the brewing industry has witnessed a remarkable shift towards sustainability and natural ingredients.

Typical analysis

Extract (dry basis)%82
Total protein%13.8
Soluble protein%4.45.4
Hartong 45°%30
pH 5.86.2

Available in

25kg bags, big bags up to 1.200kg, liner bag in container and bulk in truck.

Storage and shelf life

Our malt is best stored in a moderate temperate, low humidity, pest free environment at less than 20ºC or 68°F. It is best used within 6 to 18 months from manufacturing date, depending on the type of malt. We always provide a Best Before date. All our malts are manufactured conform to EU and International regulations. They are transported only by GMP-certified transporters. Please note: improperly stored malts are prone to loss of freshness and flavour.