At The Swaen, we proudly offer toll malting – a concept that may not be widely known but is highly valuable for breweries and distilleries aiming to create something distinctive.

What is toll malt?
As a dedicated malt house, we are constantly sourcing grain, such as barley and wheat. Typically, we purchase these grains in large quantities from reliable suppliers in France and the Netherlands. However, we understand that some brewers and distillers prefer to focus on working even more locally. For instance, they may grow their own grain or collaborate with local farmers to source high-quality raw materials.
This is where toll malt becomes an ideal solution. Toll malting involves delivering your grain to The Swaen, where we carefully process it into malt. As a result, you receive toll malt – your grain, expertly malted by us. Importantly, throughout the entire process, we ensure no mixing occurs. From the moment your grain arrives, we keep it completely separate from other batches. Consequently, this guarantees that the malt you receive is produced exclusively from your own grain.
Why should you consider toll malting?
Toll malting is an excellent option for those who want to highlight local ingredients in their beer or spirits. However, to produce toll malt, a minimum of 130 metric tonnes of grain must be supplied – the capacity of one of our germination streets. If this seems like a large quantity, do not worry. For instance, we can work with you to find a suitable solution. One option could be to supplement your grain with a similar quality variety to meet the required volume.
As a result, several breweries and distilleries already benefit from toll malt to create unique, locally-inspired products. Would you like to join them? If so, contact us today to explore this exciting opportunity. With toll malting, your grain can become the foundation for something truly special.

Would you like to explore toll malt for your brewery or distillery? Or do you simply need more information about the process? Feel free to reach out, and we’ll be happy to help you get started. Let’s work together to make something special!