
The Swaen – and any other malthouse – is nothing without raw product. That is why we have contacts all over the world to ensure the best grain, including local farmers from the southwest of the Netherlands.

Growing The Swaen

Since 2001 our malt house in Kloosterzande connects with local top growers. The aim of this cooperation is the improvement of barley crop and creating an optimal chain structure. From this collaboration evolved Growing The Swaen, that focuses on sustainable agriculture.

High and consistent quality raw materials will provide the best beer. Currently 30 to 40 farmers are growing for The Swaen on 200 to 300 hectare per year with an average yield of 8 ton per hectare. The partnership enables us to trace the quality in every production stage, and to store all barley separately: per variety, per region, per supplier. This guarantees the constant availability of high quality malting barley.

Benefits of this cooperation

There are many reasons to applaud Growing The Swaen. Apart from the high quality and traceability, the advantage in sustainability is huge. As these farmers are located near our malthouse, the impact of transport is minimised, resulting in reduced CO2 emissions. We also invest in sustainable agriculture, meaning the fertility of the soil is optimised for biodiversity. This way we ensure our malt is ready for the future!

Become a top grower

We appreciate your interest in The Swaen and would love to welcome you as one of our top growers. Here are our specific demands for barley and wheat. If you have what it takes, please get in touch.

Spring barley

Protein 9.5% – 11%

Moisture 13% – 14.5%

> 2.5mm kernels > 90%

Winter barley

Protein 9.5% – 11.5%

Moisture 13% – 14.5%

> 2.5mm kernels > 90%


Protein 9.5% – 12.5%

Moisture 12% – 14.5%

> 2.5mm kernels > 90%


The Swaen also has something for the farmer – and other industries. These by-products are a result of the malting process and can be used for animal feed and to create biogas, for example. Subject to availability.

Malt germ pellets

Malting pellets

When germinating, the kernels start to grow rootlets. These have no value for the brewing process and are therefore removed. They are however ideal to use as an animal feed supplement. The culms are pressed together with malt dust, crushed malt and malt chaff to create malting pellets.

Protein 20% – 30%

Fat 1% – 3%

Water 5% – 10%

Grind barley


Tiny kernels (smaller than Ø2mm) are unsuitable for brewing and distilling. That’s why they are singled out from the malting process. But they can still be used as animal feed. They will exhibit slightly more protein than the kernels that become malting barley. Available in barley and wheat.

Protein 10% – 12%

Fat 3%

Water 12% – 17%

Malt germ flour

Malt dust

We combine residual material like chaff, husk and rootlets – that are found in our germination avenue, roaster and bagging line – to create malt dust. This product is perfect to create biogas at a special plant. So, what some consider as waste, we use to ensure a more sustainable future.

Protein > 12%

Fat 0%

Water 6%