
The Swaen holds itself to the highest standards. That is why we work with the best companies in the industry. Our malthouse is regularly audited by independent bodies to ensure the best quality malts. Here you can find all our certificates.

GMP+ FSA certified companies demonstrate that they meet all requirements and conditions for the assurance of feed safety. ISO 9001, HACCP, feed safety limits, traceability, monitoring, prerequisite programs and the Early Warning System are examples of integration in the GMP FSA module.

LRQA is a market leader in ISO 22000 Food safety management – an established and highly-respected standard for food safety. This certification sets us apart from the competition. It demonstrates we can effectively manage and control food safety hazards and follow best-practice when it comes to food safety.

We are certified for the production of Green Swaen organic malts. Every Dutch company that will produce, trade or store organic products must first register with Skal Biocontrole. When manufacturing, processing, trading or storing organic products, we comply with the requirements of the Organic Regulation.