Green Swaen© Gold Red

Green Swaen Gold Red

Has a reddish shine and typical malt aroma.


The biological Green Swaen Gold Red malt gives your beer a warm red colour, which makes it a great addition to any organic red beer style. This malt has notes of toffee and caramel. 


Red Lager, Red Ale, Altbier, Red IPA, Amber Ale, Bockbier, Export beers, Specialty beers.

Raw material: Green malt barley 

Product: Caramelised malt

Use: Up to 35%


EBC 40-60

EBC: 40 – 60

Lovibond: 15 – 23

Flavour palette

Blogs and recipes

Best Bitter

Recipe – Best Bitter

British Bitters emerged from English Pale Ales in the late 1800’s. They have been mainly served as drought beers.

Regenerative Vs Organic

Regenerative vs Organic

Both regenerative and organic farming practices stand as beacons of environmentally conscious food production.

Green Swaen

Organic malt

In recent years, the brewing industry has witnessed a remarkable shift towards sustainability and natural ingredients.

Typical analysis

Extract (dry basis)%78
pH 5.55.8

Available in

25kg bags, big bags up to 1.200kg, liner bag in container and bulk in truck.

Storage and shelf life

Our malt is best stored in a moderate temperate, low humidity, pest free environment at less than 20ºC or 68°F. It is best used within 6 to 18 months from manufacturing date, depending on the type of malt. We always provide a Best Before date. All our malts are manufactured conform to EU and International regulations. They are transported only by GMP-certified transporters. Please note: improperly stored malts are prone to loss of freshness and flavour.