Green Swaen© Pilsner
Green Swaen Pilsner is the obvious biological choice for your base malt. The strong cereal flavour is the base of this product, while still allowing the profile of specialty malts to come through.

Green Swaen© Munich Light
Green Swaen Munich Light provides the basis of many beers. It’s known to enhance body, head and aroma of any beer. This organic malt provides a distinct malty flavour and enhances the colour.

Green Swaen© Gold Hell
Green Swaen Gold Hell gives a slight caramel-sweet aroma and golden colour to your beer. This biological malt ensures a remarkable mouthfeel, head formation, head retention, and extended beer stability.

Green Swaen© Gold Classic
Green Swaen Gold Classic has an intense caramel malt aroma, with a full round flavour and notes of strong caramel and toffee. This biological malt is an excellent choice for dark festival beers.