Gold Swaen© Munich Dark

Gold Swaen Munich Dark

Has a typical aroma to intensify and stabilise the flavour.


Gold Swaen Munich Dark provides a reddish shine and round flavour profile, with notes of caramel. It is a darker than Gold Swaen Munich Light, with small hints of roasted grain.


Low-alcoholic beers, Bockbier, Export beers, specialty beers, light and dark beers.

Raw material: Green malt barley 

Product: Caramelised malt

Use: Up to 20%


EBC 130-160

EBC: 130 – 160

Lovibond: 50 – 60

Flavour palette

Blogs and recipes


How to store malt

Malt can be kept several years and will not lose its enzymatic power. The Swaen has a special process to guarantee a long shelf life.



The Swaen values ​​quality. That’s why we invest in extensive testing in our laboratory, and thoroughly clean our product.

Gold Swaen

Caramel malts

Caramel malts – as the name implies – impart a strong caramel flavour to beer. This is the result of an extra stewing process.

Typical analysis

Extract (dry basis)%77
pH 5.35.6

Available in

25kg bags, big bags up to 1.200kg, liner bag in container and bulk in truck.

Storage and shelf life

Our malt is best stored in a moderate temperate, low humidity, pest free environment at less than 20ºC or 68°F. It is best used within 6 to 18 months from manufacturing date, depending on the type of malt. We always provide a Best Before date. All our malts are manufactured conform to EU and International regulations. They are transported only by GMP-certified transporters. Please note: improperly stored malts are prone to loss of freshness and flavour.