Black Swaen© Biscuit
Black Swaen Biscuit is our lightest roasted malt. The high temperatures develop unique toasted, bready, biscuity, and especially nutty flavours and characteristic aromas.

Black Swaen© Chocolate B
Black Swaen Chocolate B (Barley) is a roasted malt with a deep brown colour. It brings deeper aroma and colour for dark beers and imparts a nutty, toasted chocolate flavour.

Black Swaen© Barley
Black Swaen Barley is unique. The grain isn’t malted, but immediately goes into our Probat drum roaster. That is why it enhances an even deeper colour and foam head.

Black Swaen© Black Wheat
If dark isn’t dark enough, Black Swaen Black Wheat is made for you. It enhances the colour and adds mild toast hints and roast aroma. This malt can be used for colouring any beer.