
The Swaen is always trying to improve. Sustainability and the environment are high on our agenda. We are working with large network in our region, to keep our focus clear for the next steps The Swaen is going to take.


Truly green malt

We make green malt in more than one way. With a state-of-the-art kiln and our advanced Probat roasting facility, we have achieved substantial reductions in CO2, NOX, noise, and odour emissions, along with a remarkable decrease of more then 50% in energy consumption.

We are dedicated to reducing our energy consumption by an additional 25% in the next years, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to sustainability. We are also actively developing a plan to eliminate gas usage, further aligning with our sustainability initiatives towards a greener future.

We use everything

Nothing is spilled. The Swaen uses the entire grain in producing malt. Even our waste – like rootlets, malt dust and kernels that are too small – finds its home. These by-products have no value for brewers and distillers. That is why they are carefully removed and collected.

While these are of no use for us, some sectors are eager to get their hands on them. Malting pellets and screenings are perfect as animal feed supplements, because of their nutrition and protein levels. Malt dust and rejected malt can be used to create biogas.