Will we serve your beer at the BrauBeviale?

Do you have the fruitiest IPA, the most crisp Blond or the creamiest barrel aged Stout? If you are proud of your creation and have it on keg, we are looking for you! At the BrauBeviale we want to serve a truly unique beer for our guests. And we will of course pay for the beer. And to make things more interesting, we will also throw in two tickets for the BrauBeviale.

All you have to do is send us an email with the following information:

  • Name of your brewery.
  • Name of the beer.
  • Beer info (type, ABV, …).
  • Price of a keg.

There are only two restrictions:

  • Only kegs with A-Type fitting.
  • Your delicious beer has to be made with The Swaen malt.

There is no small print, the rules are very simple. We will collect all messages and let faith decide. The closing date is Sunday 8 October 2023. We will announce a winner in the following days. We will pay for the beer and shipping, and you make sure we receive it in time.